Show basic HTML elements on a single page of an Angular Material web application

I am working on an Angular (6) web app with a customized theme using Angular Material.

Currently, I am trying to incorporate a popup dialog that includes basic HTML elements like checkboxes, buttons, and inputs.

Even though I have successfully displayed the dialog, I am facing challenges when it comes to adding non-styled, standard HTML elements.

At first, I attempted to include these elements without any material directives, but this approach failed due to Material's baseline CSS overriding the default styles of the elements.

Do you have any suggestions or solutions to help me achieve my goal?

Answer №1

I have developed a StackBlitz project that showcases the usage of Angular Material Popup dialog alongside standard HTML elements without any custom styling. You can check out the demo by visiting this link:

Simply use regular HTML syntax like

instead of Angular Material-specific tags like
<button mat-button>Click me!</button>

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