Styling trick: Positioning a paragraph next to a span filled with SVG icons

I am facing an issue with the alignment of a set of SVGs contained within a <span> element appearing below a <p> element. I want the span to line up with the text 'Question 1'.

Methods I have attempted:

  • No conflicting margins or paddings were found.
  • The paragraph text has a line-height of 0.
  • Both elements are set to display: inline; instead of display: block;.

I have provided a simpler example of the problem here (note that only one icon is shown due to complexity with multiple SVGs):

Answer №1

To start, adjust the line-height of your paragraph to match the desired space it should occupy (in this case 30px).

If you need to clear a float and move it to a new line, remove the clear: both; property from the .newTopicAnswerIcons class.

The margin-top of your icons is currently set to 25px, causing them to be pushed down. Reset this to 0 for proper alignment.

Check out this JsFiddle link for reference.

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