What are the signs that an element was visible on screen prior to navigation?

Recently, I incorporated SlideUp and SlideDown jquery animations into my website. You can check it out by visiting (click the >>>). However, I noticed a small issue where when users navigate to a new page, they have to re-SlideUp the element that was slid up on the previous page. Is there a way to detect if the element was visible before navigation?

    if (sessionStorage.getItem("tabvisible")) {
        $(".jumbotron").slideDown(); // displaying header
    } else {
        $("jumbotron").slideUp(); // hiding header


        sessionStorage.setItem("tabvisible", false);
        sessionStorage.setItem("tabvisible", true);

Answer №1

Have you considered utilizing localStorage for this task?

$("#expandiconup").click(function () {
    localStorage.setItem("tabvisible", false);

$("#expandicondown").click(function () {
    localStorage.setItem("tabvisible", true);

Upon loading the new page, check for the stored value

if (localStorage.getItem("tabvisible") == true) {
    //display header
} else {
    //hide header

Answer №2

Implementing this feature with JavaScript may not be the most straightforward task, and there are likely more efficient methods available than the one I'm about to suggest. Consider exploring front-end frameworks like Angular to manage your views, ensuring that your header remains static without needing to reload and maintaining state across pages.

To achieve this functionality through a workaround, you can utilize the CSS :target pseudo-selector along with some JavaScript. Essentially, upon clicking the "show" link, you would use JavaScript to add a hash to each navigation URL. When these links are clicked, the new page will load with a corresponding hash at the end. If this hash matches an element ID on the page (representing the content to show/hide), you can leverage the CSS :target pseudo-selector to hide it using display: none.

Here's a basic example (demonstrated in CodePen, but requires actual HTML pages to function properly):


<!-- HTML code omitted for brevity -->


#headerHidden:target {
  display: none;

JavaScript (using jQuery)

// JavaScript code snippet provided above

This approach may seem somewhat unconventional, but it presents an interesting solution to your problem. One potential drawback is the browser may scroll to the element corresponding to the hash in the URL. In this case, as the element is at the top of the page, this should not pose a significant issue.

While my markup differs from yours, I trust that you grasp the concept and extract any useful elements from this explanation!

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