Unusual shift in the modal's behavior occurs when the parent component's style.transform is applied

I have encountered an unusual issue with a modal's appearance and functionality. The modal is designed to enlarge images sent in a chat, with the chat upload preview div serving as the parent element and the modal as the child element. This strange behavior surfaced after I implemented draggable functions on the chat upload preview. Normally, the modal expands to cover the entire screen, extending beyond the boundaries of the upload preview (parent component). However, when the chat upload preview is made draggable using the transform/translate CSS property, the modal only enlarges to match the dimensions of the upload preview (parent element). Surprisingly, once the draggable function is removed, the modal reverts back to its standard behavior, stretching to the edges of the screen. It baffles me why applying the transform/translate CSS property to the parent component would impact the child component's behavior. Any insights on this perplexing situation would be greatly appreciated.

Below are visual references for comparison:

Without transform/translate on the parent component (Chat upload preview div): https://i.stack.imgur.com/3cjgS.png

After adding the transform/translate property to the parent component (Chat upload preview div): https://i.stack.imgur.com/d1l7R.png

Here's the JSX code snippet for the chat upload preview (parent) and the FilePreview component which houses the modal's code:

{/* CHAT-UPLOAD-PREVIEW CODE SNIPPET */}                        

FilePreview Component Code:

The following excerpt showcases the definition of the modal within the FilePreview component:

{Modal JSX Code}

This piece of code orchestrates the drag functionality by incorporating the transform/translate property into the chat upload preview, possibly triggering the unexpected behavior observed with the modal:

{Drag Function Definition}

Additionally, here are the CSS styles applied to the Chat Upload Preview (parent component) and the modal:

.chat-upload-preview-1 {...}
.modal {...
.modal-content {...
#caption {...
@keyframes zoom {...

The anomalous behavior of the modal upon introducing the transform/translate property to the upload preview remains a puzzling aspect that eludes understanding. If you have any insights or solutions to this intricate issue, I am eager to hear them.

Answer №1

After doing some research, I managed to uncover the solution on my own. It turns out that the MDN article about Transform had the answer all along: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/transform

Here's what I discovered: When the transform property is set to a value other than none, it creates a stacking context. This means that the element (the one with the transform property) becomes a containing block for any position: fixed; or position: absolute; elements (such as modal divs) nested within it.

The root cause of the issue was indeed the transform CSS function. Essentially, applying Transform to a draggable element converts it into a containing block, confining all inner elements within its dimensions. In simpler terms, the child elements cannot extend beyond the height or width of the parent container.

To be more specific, the problem with the Modal div not expanding to cover the entire screen was due to the transform property being added to the FilePreview component during dragging. Consequently, the image-preview-container div (the parent) acted as a containing block for the modal div (the child), restricting its size within the defined boundaries.

The workaround involves removing the transform property from the containing block when the image is clicked to allow it to occupy the full screen again:

if (props.myUploader) { props.myUploader.current.style.transform = 'none' }

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