Which web browser(s) can properly display the CSS property display: run-in?

  1. Compatibility with IE7 and FF2.0
  2. Suitable for IE8 and Opera 9+
  3. Works only on IE7
  4. Optimized for IE8 and FF3.5
  5. Supports IE7 and Safari

This question came up in a quiz, but I don't have all the browsers to test it. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Answer №1

Based on information from quirksmode:

  • IE8 (as IE8) and Opera 9.6.2 and 10 will display it correctly;
  • Safari 3/4, Chrome 1+ and Konqueror will show it incorrectly; and
  • other browsers won't show it at all.

Answer №2


*Safari will display run-in text before an element with display: inline, although it is not technically supported and may cause issues.

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