Adjust the width of an item on CSS Grid upon hovering

I recently created a basic CSS grid layout with the following structure...

.container {
  grid-template-columns:1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr;

.col1 {

.col2 {

.col3 {

.col4 {
<div class="container">

  <div class="col1">
    Column 1

  <div class="col2">
    Column 2

  <div class="col3">
    Column 3

  <div class="col4">
    Column 4


My goal is to adjust the width of columns when they are hovered over, expanding the hovered column to take up 2fr.

While I'm familiar with setting item width using flexbox directly on the item itself, in this case, since I've used grid, the item widths are set on the container.

Any suggestions on how to achieve this and set the widths on the items?

Answer №1

To achieve this effect, utilize the grid-column property by specifying the starting and ending tracks (e.g., 1/3). However, expanding the last column requires additional steps to prevent it from moving to the next line outside the designated hover area:

UPDATE: Following the suggestion in the comment section, I have adjusted the hover code to now be: grid-column: span 2;. This means "begin at the initial track and extend over 2 columns." It simplifies the process by allowing you to apply a single style rule for all columns. Additionally, I included :not(.col4) in the rule to address the issue of the column shifting to the next line. To ensure this functions correctly, assign each column the same "col" class:

.container {
  grid-template-columns:1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr;

.col1 {

.col2 {

.col3 {

.col4 {

   grid-column: span 2;
<div class="container">

  <div class="col1 col">
    Column 1

  <div class="col2 col">
    Column 2

  <div class="col3 col">
    Column 3

  <div class="col4 col">
    Column 4


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