"Enhancing web design with jQuery mousemove to dynamically adjust CSS filters according to mouse location

I'm attempting to create a simple mousemove event that changes the CSS filter property of my background div based on the position of the mouse. While I have successfully achieved this in the past with background-color, I am now encountering issues with the filter property.

Below is the code I am using:

    var $width = ($(document).width())/255;
    var $height = ($(document).height())/255;
    var $pageX = parseInt(e.pageX / $width,10);
    var $pageY = parseInt(e.pageY / $height,10);
    $(".bg").css("filter", "hue-rotate(" + (255 - $pageX) + ")");

If anyone could kindly point out where I might be making a mistake, I would greatly appreciate it. The webpage with this code implemented can be found here:

Thank you!

Answer №1

Just gave that code a shot and it looks good, except you forgot to include the "deg" unit after the filter value.

var $doc = $(document);

$doc.mousemove(function(e) {
    var width = $doc.width() / 255;
    var pageX = e.pageX / width;
    var val = 255 - pageX;

    $(".bg").css("filter", "hue-rotate(" + val + "deg)");

Answer №2

Make sure to indicate which unit will be set to 255, in this scenario, it is deg (degree).

 $(".bg").css("filter", "hue-rotate(" + (255 - $pageX) + "deg)");

View a functional example on CodePen

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