Hover over the hidden DIV

I have a div containing an image that is overlapping multiple other divs. It looks something like this:

<div style='width:100%;height:100%'><img src='someImage.png'></div>
<div id='covered'>I'm underneath the div above me, but still visible</div>

I am trying to set up a jQuery event handler as follows:

$('#covered').live('mouseover',function(){ do stuff });

However, the mouseover event is not working due to the overlapping div. Is there a way to make this work?

(Additional information: The covering div has a higher z-index for proper layering, and I am using "live" because #covered is dynamically generated.)

Answer №1

In the event that the overlay shares the same dimensions as the #covered element, you can simply attach a listener to the mouseover event for the overlay:

$(document).delegate('#overlay', 'mouseover', function () { /*execute code for `#covered` element*/ });

Updated Information

If the overlay is positioned over the entire page, you can utilize the mousemove event to determine if the cursor has been moved onto the #covered element:

var coveredOffset = $('#covered').offset(),
    coveredWidth  = $('#covered').width(),
    coveredHeight = $('#covered').height();
$('#overlay')​.on('mousemove', function (event) {
    if (event.pageX > coveredOffset.left && event.pageX < (coveredOffset.left + coveredWidth) && event.pageY > coveredOffset.top && event.pageY < (coveredOffset.top + coveredHeight)) {
        console.log('You are mouse-overing #covered');

Check out this live demonstration: http://jsfiddle.net/WjRNv/1/ (ensure to monitor your browser's console for logs when hovering over the #covered element)

Answer №2

One solution is utilizing the CSS property pointer-events: none. However, keep in mind that this may not be compatible with IE versions older than 9 and could have issues in IE9 in certain scenarios.

Alternatively, it might be more effective to reconsider your styling strategy. If the overlapping element's DIV is transparent, there is a possibility that it could end up behind elements currently positioned below it.

Answer №3

$('#hidden').on('mouseover',function(){ perform actions });

Answer №4

$('#covered').on('mouseover', function(){do something}).on('mouseout', function(){do even more things});

Alternatively, if the issue lies with the covering div, consider using CSS to position the image there. Taking advantage of CSS 3's ability to support multiple backgrounds can simulate a Photoshop layer effect. This approach will maintain the visual consistency while ensuring smooth functionality of your JavaScript code.

Answer №5

To create a unique approach, consider comparing the x and y values of the mouse's position with the top and left offset of the specified div element in order to detect the event accurately.

let topOffset = $("#cover").offset().top,
    leftOffset = $("#cover").offset().left,
    bottomOffset = topOffset + $("#cover").height(),
    rightOffset = leftOffset + $("#cover").width();
$("body").on("mousemove", function(e){
    let mouseX = e.pageX,
        mouseY = e.pageY;
    if(pageX > leftOffset && pageX < rightOffset && pageY > topOffset && pageY < bottomOffset){
        // Mouse is within boundaries
    } else {
        // Mouse is not within boundaries

This method may encounter issues with padding, margins, etc. and can be challenging to maintain, but it offers a logical solution.

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