Focusing on the initial element of every line within a flex container that spans multiple lines

Looking for a solution to style the first item on each line of a multiline flexbox container with display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap. Preferably seeking a CSS-only approach rather than Javascript iteration. It's uncertain how many items there will be or their widths in advance.

Answer №1

CSS alone cannot achieve this.

Trying to select the first item in each line of a multiline flex container when the number of items is unknown is too complex for CSS capabilities. This is because the first item on each line can vary and may not follow a specific pattern.

In situations where there is no clear pattern, CSS will not be sufficient and you will require a different technology.

You might want to consider using JavaScript instead.

The limitations present in CSS Grid Layout are similar:

  • How to target a specific column or row in CSS Grid Layout?

Answer №2

While working on creating a uniform spacing between elements in a row, I stumbled upon a great solution to avoid having any left margins on the first element or right margins on the last one. Simply use gap:10px and you'll achieve the desired effect.

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