Issue with the overall layout in Bootstrap 4 involving the main content area and sidebar

I am encountering challenges with the overall design of my website, particularly with how the main content area and sidebar are positioned. The layout I have in mind is:

Below is the code snippet I am using to implement this design (spread across multiple files as it is a Symfony 3.4 project) -


{# app/Resources/views/base.html.twig #}

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html dir="ltr" lang="en-us">


{# app/Resources/views/Store/index.html.twig #}


{# do something with htmlTree - remember: this DOES NOT contain blocks, or inherit from base.html.twig #}

This combination results in the following output:

The main issue I am facing is that the sidebar/category list extends beyond the navigation bar. It appears that the navbar has some horizontal margin/padding applied. My goal is to confine both columns - sidebar and content - within the visible width of the navbar. Essentially, I aim for the navbar to have no white space on its left/right sides.

While I believe I can adjust the columns, margins, and padding to resolve most issues, ensuring consistency along the edges remains a top priority.

Answer №1

Make sure to nest the container within your navbar

<div id="site">
    <nav class="navbar ...">
        <div class="container-fluid">
            <a class="navbar-brand" ... />
            <button class="navbar-toggler" ... />
            <div class="collapse" ... />

It's important to note that the container typically includes padding on both sides. Placing the navbar with a background color inside this container may result in a horizontal gap being displayed.

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