Tips for achieving an eye-catching text and image layout on a single page of your Wordpress blog

I've been exploring ways to achieve a design concept for my blog layout. I envision having the text and thumbnail displayed side by side, each taking up 50% of the width until the image reaches its end. Once the image ends, I want the text to span the entire page width. Unfortunately, traditional methods like inserting the image in the Wordpress editor or using text-wrap do not meet my needs, as I also want to include a styled line next to the text content within the 50% area.

One idea I'm considering is writing a jQuery/Javascript script that can divide the words and transfer them from the 50% div to the 100% div once the 50% div expands to accommodate the height of the image.

Has anyone encountered a solution similar to this before? What other options might be available to me?

Answer №1

When working with images:

float: left;
width: 50%;

This CSS will help you wrap text around the image and set its width to 50% of the container.

The border may pose a challenge, as the best way to handle it is still uncertain.

.pretend-it-is-an-image {
  height: 100px;
  width: 50%;
  background-color: blue;
  float: left;
  margin-right: 20px;
  color: white;
  text-align: center;
<span class="pretend-it-is-an-image">Image</span>

<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ac nulla vitae nulla consectetur sollicitudin ac vel nisi. Ut fringilla erat augue, quis accumsan nisl aliquet a. Sed tempor libero est, non iaculis leo dignissim quis. Duis sagittis tristique libero. Mauris iaculis mauris eget convallis posuere. Aliquam iaculis tempus nunc. Quisque facilisis mauris arcu, eget lacinia neque elementum eget. Mauris tincidunt nunc suscipit ipsum vulputate, non congue nibh laoreet. Duis nisi lectus, tempus ut mauris id, hendrerit semper enim.

Phasellus commodo faucibus mauris ut commodo. Suspendisse ornare imperdiet nulla sed malesuada. Aenean et pharetra nibh. In auctor purus a mollis venenatis. Pellentesque sodales lorem urna, nec vestibulum massa interdum ac. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc erat ligula, egestas luctus mattis vitae, hendrerit quis sem. Proin tincidunt suscipit ligula id efficitur. In sed nisi scelerisque, tincidunt turpis eu, euismod dui. Donec bibendum malesuada massa sed vestibulum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque convallis pulvinar justo. Phasellus egestas, mi sit amet vehicula laoreet, lorem sapien ultrices mi, sit amet ornare erat orci eu ex.

Maecenas ultrices blandit cursus. Aenean sed elit sodales, pharetra dolor eu, condimentum enim. Donec vitae venenatis mi. In ut quam tristique ex aliquam gravida. Vestibulum a maximus dui. Proin enim diam, imperdiet tincidunt nulla dictum, tincidunt consectetur diam. Phasellus varius faucibus tristique.


Where to make changes? Since you mentioned Wordpress, these adjustments are typically made in the single.php file. For more guidance on where to implement changes, refer to this link:

Answer №2


<img src="images/topics/topic.jpg" align="left" style="width:50%; border-right:2px solid #000; padding:7px; margin-right:7px;"/>

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