Assign a CSS class to a DIV depending on the vertical position of the cursor

The website I am currently developing is located at

Within the site, there is a collection of project titles. When hovering over a project title, the featured image is displayed directly below it.

I would like to change the positioning of these images to display them above the title, but only if the Y position of the mouse cursor is below 50% of the browser window height.

To accomplish this, I believe that I will need to add an extra class to the span element for repositioning purposes, although I am unsure about the exact steps to implement this change.

Any assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated :)

Answer №1

You already have experience with jquery, so you can use it to achieve what you need.

$(theTextElement).hover(function(e) {
  //Triggered on Mouse Over
  var y = e.pageY; //Get mouse Y position
  var windowY = $(window).height(); //Window height
    $(theImageElement).addClass('viewTop'); //Toggle classes
    $(theImageElement).show(); //Show the element
}, function() {
    $(theImageElement).hide(); //Hide the element

This solution assumes CSS will handle positioning. You'll need additional logic for image selection and display.

If anything is unclear, feel free to ask for clarification.

Answer №2

If you want to track the movement of the mouse within a website, consider utilizing the "onmousemove" event. By comparing the Y position of the cursor with the height of the window, you can dynamically change the class attributes as needed.

Here's a helpful snippet for getting started:

document.onmousemove = function(event) {
  // Retrieve the X position of the cursor
  // Obtain the Y position of the cursor

  if(event.y < (window.innerHeight/2)) {
    // Implement changes to image classes here
  } else {
    // Handle alternative actions

To optimize performance, it is recommended to place the event listener inside a Timeout function.

Answer №3

Assuming you prefer to maintain your current implementation where span elements are hidden until hovered over.

To determine each element's vertical position, you can use


This will give you the distance from the top of the page.

You can find out the height of the window by using window.innerHeight.

It's a simple task to check if an element's top position is greater than half of the window's height

elem.getBoundingClientRect().top > window.innerHeight/2

If this condition is met, you could apply a class to the element to have it appear above the link title. However, there are multiple ways to achieve the same result.

Let's say you want to add a class to the spans so they appear above the title, you can either position them relatively and set a negative top css value, or you can utilize CSS3 transforms like this:

.above {
  transform: translate(0, -100%);

In this way, you won't need to worry about the span's height since CSS transforms use the target element's dimensions, not the parent container's.

Another important consideration is optimizing script load. You may want to check the position of the span element in the `onhover` event listener instead of checking all spans when the DOM is ready. Checking all spans at once can pause rendering and make the page seem unresponsive until the script loads.

Answer №4

If you're familiar with, window.innerHeight, and event.clientY, a possible approach is using position:fixed and positioning based on the target's location.

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