The <nav> and <section> elements are not appearing on the page



Hello there! I am experiencing an issue where the nav and section elements are not displaying on my website. They seem to only show the height and background-color attributes. Interestingly, they appear correctly on my old Firefox version (3.6.25), but remain invisible on Chrome and Safari.

I suspect that the problem lies in the master.css file, specifically with how the nav and section elements are styled, but I'm not entirely sure.

Just for your information, I have included the following code snippets in my document:

1) both HTML files

<!--[if lt IE 9]>
<script src="">

2) master.css

header, footer, article, section, nav, menu, hgroup {  
display: block;  

Any assistance or guidance on resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

The footer overlaps everything. By reducing the z-index of the footer to a lower value, such as -200, it becomes visible. (confirmed in Chrome)

Answer №2

The issue lies here:

footer {
    background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #1D1C1C;

To fix it, simply remove the background property... or use this instead:

background-color: #1D1C1C;

The part of the original value that reads 0 0 seems to be causing the page to be covered with the color #1D1C1C. This particular value doesn't seem correct to me...

Answer №3

While exploring, I came across a unique solution. By removing the float: left; from the styling of the section tag (located at line number 148 in the master.css file), both functionalities appear to be functioning properly.

In my opinion, there may have been an excessive amount of styling applied if multiple solutions are correct and operational.

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