Using Selenium to choose an element based on the text of its sibling element

I've been working on a selenium script for:

My goal is to select the "Add to Compare" element for "Sony Xperia," but it's not being located. I've tried using both cssSelector and xpath, but I can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong.

CSS Selector:

div.category-products > ul > li:nth-child(n):contains('Sony Xperia') > div > div.actions > ul > li:nth-child(2) > a


//h2/a[@title='Sony Xperia']/ul/li/a[text()='Add to Compare']

NOTE: The cssSelector works in Chrome but doesn't provide any results in Firefox.

Answer №1

Lost in the second row is the section you need to find

//h2[a[@title='Samsung Galaxy']]
/ul/li/a[text()='Add to Cart']

Answer №2

This XPath code is designed to work universally across different platforms.

The custom xpath code:

//h2/a[@title='Sony Xperia']/../following-sibling::div[3]/ul/li[2]/a

Follow the step-by-step guide below for a detailed explanation.

Step 1: Locate the fixed node of the element using: //h2/a[@title='Sony Xperia'] (if this step has been completed)

Step 2: Move up to its parent by adding /..

Step 3: Progress to the 'Actions' sibling /following-sibling::div[3] which is the third sibling from the current position

Step 4: Enter the actions node and access the 'ul' element /ul

Step 5: Identify the 'Add to compare' option within the second 'li' item, therefore include /li[2]

Step 6: Since 'Add to compare' is a link, it will be contained within an 'a' tag, hence add /a

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