Trouble displaying portrait images in CSS slideshow

My portfolio includes an image slider called wow slider, which can be found at

You can view my site with the image slider on this page:

While most of the galleries display portrait and landscape images correctly, I'm encountering issues on the "studio work" page (under photography). The portrait images towards the end appear sideways despite using a css code to control their behavior.

The css code used to control image behavior is as follows:

 *  generated by WOW Slider 5.6
 *  template Elemental

<!-- CSS code continues... -->

All images are scaled to the chosen resolution. The initial image and some towards the end that are not displaying correctly are all set to 700x1000 pixels. Any guidance on resolving this issue would be highly appreciated!

Answer №1

The orientation of the images appears to be sideways. To correct this, you will need to rotate them using image editing software on your computer and then re-upload them. Many basic photo viewing applications like paint offer simple tools for rotating images.

Here is a direct link to one of your images as an example:

It is worth noting that even when accessed directly, the rotated orientation remains consistent, indicating that the issue is not related to the slider or any HTML/css coding.

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