I'm currently experimenting with using SVG icons, following the guide found at https://css-tricks.com/svg-use-with-external-reference-take-2/
Here's how it appears:
<!-- EXTERNAL reference -->
<use xlink:href="sprite.svg#icon-1"></use>
Everything is working fine for me except when I open the HTML file locally in Chrome.
In the developer tools, I receive this error message:
Unsafe attempt to load URL file:///D:/path/to/file/icon-defs.svg#icon-rocket from frame with URL file:///D:/path/to/file/index.html. 'file:' URLs are treated as unique security origins.
Is there a workaround for this issue? It's not a big problem for me since I mostly use Firefox, but I am creating documentation in HTML format that will be accessed by other users...