Tips for incorporating CSS 4 custom properties into Angular components

Exploring the new possibilities of CSS 4 with custom properties, my goal is to utilize them in Angular.

Traditionally, custom properties are used in the following manner:

<div style="--custom:red;">
    <div style="background-color: var(--custom);">

However, when attempting to bind custom properties using Angular's mechanism, the desired red rectangle is not achieved:

<div [style.--custom]="'red'">
    <div style="background-color: var(--custom);">

So the question arises - how can custom properties be successfully bound in Angular?

Answer №1

Binding may not be straightforward at the moment, but there is a workaround available. Since custom properties inherit cascading effects, you can define the property within your component and utilize it elsewhere within the component.

  private elementRef: ElementRef
) { }

ngOnInit() {'--custom', 'red');

I found this solution here, although the renderer method did not work for me.

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