Using jQuery to swap out intricate background designs

I'm attempting to use jQuery to change the background-color of an element from:

background: transparent linear-gradient(#C0B 45%, #C0B) 



Unfortunately, my attempt to remove the background property with .removeAttr() has not been successful.

Answer №1

To achieve this, follow the example provided:

$('#target').css('background', 'none'); // remove background
$('#target').css('background-color', '#333'); // set background color

You can also streamline these actions like so:

$('#target').css({'background':'none', 'background-color': '#333'});

Answer №2

i discovered a solution. the correct method is as follows:


once you've done that, feel free to incorporate your own background styles.

Answer №3


$(this).css('background-color', 'blue');

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