Mastering the Zurb Foundation equalized grid: aligning content at the bottom of a div within a grid cell

One common challenge is how to position content at the bottom of a div, but with Flexbox, it's becoming easier nowadays.

In my case, I'm using the Zurb Foundation grid with equalisation. This equalisation is crucial because my cells have an image (fixed height) and a caption of variable length. The caption consists of a title (directly under the image) and a subtitle that I want to be at the bottom of the image card.

If you want to see what I'm dealing with, here's a Codepen link:

I've experimented with different suggestions like flexbox, applying height: 100% to .image-card-caption__title, etc. However, I can't seem to get the subtitle to stay at the bottom while maintaining the desired appearance. (Absolute positioning + bottom: 0 messes up the layout...)

The issue might be that the div's height isn't set until after the JS equalisation code runs, causing CSS rules to apply at the wrong time.

I'd prefer not to fix the height of the .image-card-caption div since both the title and subtitle could vary significantly in length.

Any suggestions? Thank you in advance :)

Current Layout:

Desired Layout:
(approximated - alignment isn't perfect, just used <br /> tags for representation)

Answer №1

I made some adjustments to your code, incorporating Foundation components to streamline the structure and using clever "hacks" to achieve your desired outcome.

You can view the updated version on this CodePen link

Here's a breakdown of the changes I implemented:

  1. Instead of manually calculating columns for different breakpoints, I utilized Foundation's Block Grid feature which simplifies the layout. By adding classes like
    'grid-x grid-padding-x small-up-1 medium-up-2 large-up-3'
    , you specify the number of blocks per row at various screen sizes effortlessly.
<div class='cell'>

This method eliminates the need for verbose column declarations like 'cell medium-6 large-4', saving time and making the code more concise.

  1. In place of traditional image tags, I introduced a transparent spacer using an SVG element which results in a lightweight alternative.
<img src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 1 1'%3E%3C/svg%3E">

This technique creates a responsive square shape that adapts to the available space, allowing the original image to serve as the background. This ensures consistent proportions within each element, enabling easy utilization of data-equalizer for title elements.

  1. Although data-equalizer can synchronize heights across multiple elements, it wasn't necessary in this scenario. Instead, I designated the data-equalizer-watch='title' attribute to the title container elements, enhancing consistency without utilizing flex properties for .image-card__image.

Have these modifications met your requirements effectively?

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