Comparison between Mobile Phone's innerWidth and innerHeight Versus Resolution

My test phone, the Galaxy S3 Mini, has a resolution of 800x480 according to its specs.

Strangely, when I run the following code in my HTML game:


The width appears as 533 and the height as 295.

I recently discovered window.devicePixelRatio and found that it is 1.5 for my phone. But how can this information help me enhance the design of my game?

The main issue is that my game is optimized for 800x480 resolution, causing it to look stretched on my device.

Answer №1

This snippet will help you retrieve the Width and Height:

WindowManager windowManager = getWindowManager();
Display display = windowManager.getDefaultDisplay();
int width = display.getWidth();
int height = display.getHeight();

Answer №2

When it comes to the window.inner.. properties, they are actually related to the browser itself rather than the screen resolution. These values tend to be smaller because they account for elements like status bars, address bars, toolbars, and window borders.

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