Adjusting the Stripe Button to Utilize a Unique Button Class

I have a stripe button on my website and I want to add my custom class to it. I discovered that manually creating the CSS for it can work, but I prefer to maintain consistency across all buttons on my site by using my custom class.

No matter what I attempt, I am unable to remove the default button styling.

<form action="/update-the-card" method="POST">
    {{ csrf_field() }}
    src="" class="stripe-button"
    data-key="{{ env('STRIPE_KEY') }}"
    data-name="My site"
    data-panel-label="Update Card"
    data-label="Update Card"

The class I want to apply is 'button fstyle1 thin'.

I've attempted the following code, but it does not achieve the desired outcome.

 $('button.stripe-button-el').removeAttr('style').addClass('button fstyle1 thin')

Answer №1

Figured out the solution. Simply include your own custom submit button and hide the default one provided by Stripe. It's a straightforward process.

<form action="/update-the-card" method="POST">
    {{ csrf_field() }}
    <script src="" class="stripe-button"
        data-key="{{ env('STRIPE_KEY') }}"
        // Hide default stripe button, make sure to adjust if you
        // have multiple buttons with that class
        document.getElementsByClassName("stripe-button-el")[0].style.display = 'none';
    <button type="submit" class="button green fsize-16 f-weight-400">Purchase Here!</button>

Answer №2

Could it be possible that your CSS class (button fstyle1 thin) has a lower specificity than .stripe-button-el?

Consider using !important in your CSS.

You could also try adding more CSS combinators such as: .a .b .c form .fstyle1

I hope this information helps!

Answer №3

It is possible that your element with the class .button.stripe-button-el does not exist in the DOM at the time of binding (meaning it is created dynamically).

In such cases, you can bind your event handler to a higher element like $(document).

Try using $(document) instead...

$(document).find("button.stripe-button-el").removeAttr("style").addClass("button fstyle1 thin");

Answer №4

Following @victory's suggestion, a simple way to address the issue is to conceal the button provided by Stripe using the following code:

document.getElementsByClassName("stripe-button-el")[0].style.display = 'none';

In case there are multiple Stripe buttons on a single page, you can apply this solution:

  var all_buttons = document.getElementsByClassName("stripe-button-el");
  for (var i = 0; i < all_buttons.length; i++) {
    all_buttons[i].style.display = "none";

Enjoy coding!

Answer №5

Give this a shot:

$(document).find("button.stripe-button-el").removeAttr("style").addClass("'btn custom-style1'");
$(".stripe-button-el").html("Click here to proceed with payment");

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