The rounded corners feature of does not seem to be functioning properly on Internet Explorer

Check out my code below:

Make sure to place in the CSS folder. I've already included the necessary JS and behavior for Please provide any additional suggestions to ensure compatibility with IE8 and IE7.

I utilized for this implementation.

Answer №1

The solution is to include the complete URL for, whether it is stored locally as D:/project/ or hosted elsewhere.

Answer №2

There might be a server configuration issue at play here. Within the PIE zip folder, you will find a file called PIE.php. This file is specifically designed for situations where:

the web server is unable to serve .htc files with the text/x-component content-type, and it's not easily configurable (which can happen with certain shared hosting providers)

As a solution, try uploading the PIE.php file to your server and then update the code from

behavior: url(;


behavior: url(PIE.php);

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