jmpress: Scrolling through Absolutely Positioned Element (Slide) with dynamic height

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I'm currently working on a website using jmpress, but I'm facing difficulties in implementing scrolling functionality for my content. While I can scroll in Chrome by selecting text and dragging down, I want to achieve this behavior in all browsers using native scroll, possibly through JavaScript emulation. I've explored various plugins like jScrollpane and tinyScrollbar, but none of them seem to work without setting a specific height and adjusting overflow settings.

Even when I set the overflow-y property to scroll, mousewheel scrolling doesn't function as expected. Trying $(".step").jScrollPane(); in the console yields no results. Only after setting a fixed height and scroll overflow to each step element does scrolling work, albeit limited to the window's height. I need a method to dynamically calculate surrounding elements' sizes (which are relatively positioned) so that the height adjusts appropriately when the user changes the screen size.

Is there a way to enable scrolling on an absolutely positioned element (slide) while keeping the height flexible using jmpress?

Answer №1

One approach is to utilize jQuery's window resize event to dynamically adjust the height of your element. Once the height is set, you can then trigger the update method of tinyscrollbar in order to refresh the scrollbar.

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