Achieve Perfect Alignment of Text Inside a Floating Div

Currently, I have a div aligned to the right inside another container. The text (date/time) within this right-aligned div needs to be vertically centered without using top padding. Whenever I apply top padding, it shifts my div downwards and disrupts its center alignment. Any suggestions on how to achieve vertical alignment without using top padding would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №1

To center your text vertically in CSS, consider using the line-height property on your container element. Set the same value for line-height as the height of your container to achieve vertical alignment.

For example, if your div has a height of 50px;, you can add line-height:50px; to achieve the desired effect.

Answer №2

Check out this cool example where a floating DIV is added to the right, with text centered both vertically and horizontally.

Link to the live demo

The key is setting the line-height of the element to match the full height of its container.

<div id="outerDiv">
    <div id="rightFloatingDiv">
    <p>Lorem ipsum dumsome Lorem ipsum dumsome Lorem ipsum </p>

#rightFloatingDiv > p{
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;

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