What is the recommended Vue js lifecycle method for initializing the materialize dropdown menu?


Upon examining the materialize documentation, it is evident that implementing this on a basic HTML file is straightforward: simply paste the HTML code into the body and add the JavaScript initializer within a script tag. The functionality works seamlessly.

My inquiry pertains to utilizing this in a Vue component. Specifically, I am referring to a .vue file consisting of template, script, and style sections.

Answer №1

To implement this code in Vue, you can explore using one of the lifecycle hooks provided by the framework (refer to this diagram for more information on their execution flow), with mounted being a likely choice.

Keep in mind that this approach may not be foolproof as Vue's DOM manipulation methods may not align perfectly with Materialize CSS. In such cases, it is advisable to seek out framework-specific alternatives like Vue Material.

Answer №2

My recommendation would be to add the initialize function to the mounted() {...} section of a .vue single file component in order to ensure that all HTML tags are already in place.

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