What is the method for aligning text to the right side within a ListItem?

Currently, I have these elements where the "YoYo" text is aligned to the left by default. However, I am looking to adjust the positioning of some "YoYo" texts so that they can appear on the right side.

I attempted to provide a style object with justifyContent:'flex-end' or alignSelf:'flex-end', but unfortunately, neither of them seemed to work.

    <ListItem containerElement={<ChatObject id='1' value="YoYo" style={{alignSelf:'flex-end'}} />} />
    <ListItem containerElement={<ChatObject id='1' value="YoYo" />} />
    <ListItem containerElement={<ChatObject id='1' value="YoYo" />} />
    <ListItem containerElement={<ChatObject id='1' value="YoYo" />} />
    <ListItem containerElement={<ChatObject id='1' value="YoYo" />} />

The ChatObject component is defined as:

render() {
    return (

Answer №1

I managed to achieve this using the following code:

<Container style={{display:'flex', justifyContent:'flex-end'}} >
  <ChatItem id={item.id} value={item.value} />

The crucial step is including display:'flex' in the styles.

Answer №2

To achieve this effect, apply the following style:

  text-align: right;

This will result in textAlign: 'right' within the style object.

Remember to also specify a suitable width for the element.

Answer №3

If you want to display text in a certain way, consider using the <ListItemText /> component. It accepts props such as "primary" and "secondary".

<ListItem divider={divider}>
      <Paper sx={{ p: 2, backgroundColor: orange[50] }}>
        <Typography noWrap={false} sx={{ wordBreak: 'break-all' }} variant='h5'>
      <Typography textAlign={item.left ? 'left' : 'right'}>
        your text here...

Remember to be cautious when using the "caption" variant as it may affect the text alignment.

Answer №4

When initially inspecting the code, it is necessary to transfer the style properties to the sub-element individually until reaching the DOM element.
For instance:

<TextField style={props.style} />

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