"A lengthy contenteditable div designed to mimic an input field, with the ability to horizontally scroll

When the input is too short for the entire text to be displayed, users have the option to horizontally scroll the text inside the input by dragging with the mouse. Is there a way to implement this functionality in a contenteditable field that appears as an input?

<div contenteditable="true">...insert some lengthy text here...</div>

Answer №1

Your response makes sense to me, and it appears that setting overflow:hidden on the contenteditable element results in this default behavior. By using white-space:nowrap along with some CSS adjustments, you can create custom <input> elements (similar to those found in MacOS Safari):

[contenteditable] {
  display: inline-block;
  box-sizing: border-box;
  max-width: 146px;
  border: 1px solid #ccc;
  padding: 3px;
  margin: 0 2px;
  font-size: 11px;
  font-family: system-ui, sans-serif;
  overflow: hidden; /* this is the key */
  white-space: nowrap;

label {
  display: block;
  text-align: right;
<label>Input: <input value="Lorem ipsum dolor amet slow-carb drinking vinegar actually green juice hell of literally locavore sriracha keytar health goth cold-pressed seitan bushwick quinoa. 8-bit iceland microdosing, prism hell of lyft cold-pressed cloud bread retro live-edge hammock. Tilde fanny pack street art green juice tote bag everyday carry. Kickstarter retro +1, mumblecore echo park next level heirloom adaptogen air plant locavore helvetica. Copper mug craft beer neutra, sriracha chartreuse shoreditch man bun ugh vice ethical authentic."></label>
<label>Contenteditable: <div contenteditable>Lorem ipsum dolor amet slow-carb drinking vinegar actually green juice hell of literally locavore sriracha keytar health goth cold-pressed seitan bushwick quinoa. 8-bit iceland microdosing, prism hell of lyft cold-pressed cloud bread retro live-edge hammock. Tilde fanny pack street art green juice tote bag everyday carry. Kickstarter retro +1, mumblecore echo park next level heirloom adaptogen air plant locavore helvetica. Copper mug craft beer neutra, sriracha chartreuse shoreditch man bun ugh vice ethical authentic.</div></label>

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