Tips for eliminating the page margin in Java when converting HTML using iTextPdf with HTMLConverter

No matter how hard I've tried, setting the body with padding: 0 and margin: 0, as well as attempting to set the doc() with setMargin, nothing seems to be effective

Answer №1

When it comes to adjusting margins in a document that has already been generated, Document.setMargins() won't work as expected. An alternative solution is to utilize the setImmediateFlush and relayout() methods, as shown below.

PdfWriter writer = new PdfWriter(ms);
PdfDocument pdfDocument = new PdfDocument(writer);
ConverterProperties converterProps = new ConverterProperties();
 //Provide the sample HTML file
Document doc = HtmlConverter.ConvertToDocument(bodyHTML, pdfDocument, converterProps);
doc.SetMargins(50, 50, 50, 50);

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