"Embedding social content within an iframe may result in the element being unresponsive

I have a setup where I'm utilizing social embed to include Instagram content in the footer.

When I insert the provided iframe code, the layout looks correct but the content is not clickable.

<iframe src="https://embedsocial.com/facebook_album/pro_hashtag/6dd7ae2bf3e784f6d8e6a05f854cdd8dba335e17" width="900px" height="1200px" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0"></iframe>

However, when I use this div element, the content is clickable but it's not within an iframe.

<div class="embedsocial-hashtag" data-ref="6dd7ae2bf3e784f6d8e6a05f854cdd8dba335e17" style="width: 800px; height: 600px">
                        <script>(function (d, s, id) {
                            var js;
                            if (d.getElementById(id)) {
                            js = d.createElement(s);
                            js.id = id;
                            js.src = "https://embedsocial.com/cdn/ht.js";
                        }(document, "script", "EmbedSocialHashtagScript"));</script>

Is there a way to incorporate this div element within an iframe and still maintain its clickability?

Answer №1

Have you considered attempting a traditional IFrame without any additional elements like marginheight="0" or marginwidth="0"? Alternatively, you could utilize

<object data="URL" width="100" height="100"></object>

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