What is the best way to modify the background color of a whole div when hovering over it

Recently, I encountered a challenge while working on my website. I want to set up a link inside a div that changes color when hovered over. However, the desired effect is not quite coming out as expected. Before hovering, I aim to have a border around the div matching the color of the text in the link. The background should be white. Upon hover, the background must shift to the color of the text and border, with the text turning white. Unfortunately, due to the padding between the link and div border, the outcome is not ideal. Here is the source code in HTML/CSS:


<div id="home">
    <a href="index.html">HOME</a>


#home {
    border: 4px solid #00a651;
    font-size: 30px;
    padding: 10px 20px 10px 20px;
    margin: 20px 100px 20px 100px;
    display: inline-block;
#home a {
    background: #ffffff;
    color: #00a651; 
    text-align: center;
#home a:hover {
    background: #00a651;
    color: #ffffff;

Upon hover, only the link changes color while the padding stays white when the cursor hovers over the link or anywhere else within the div. How can I adjust the code so the color changes take place when any part of the div is hovered over, and the entire div shifts colors? Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Brandon :)

Answer №1

#page {
    font-size: 30px;
    margin: 20px 100px 20px 100px;
    display: inline-block;
#page a {background: #ffffff;
    border: 4px solid #00a651;
    padding: 10px 20px 10px 20px;
         color: #00a651; 
         text-align: center;
#page a:hover {background: #00a651;
               color: #ffffff;
<div id="page">
    <a href="index.html">PAGE</a>

Answer №2

To implement the hover effect, make sure to apply it to both the div and the anchor elements:

#home {
    border: 4px solid #00a651;
    font-size: 30px;
    padding: 10px 20px 10px 20px;
    margin: 20px 100px 20px 100px;
    display: inline-block;
#home a {
  background: #ffffff;
  color: #00a651; 
  text-align: center;
#home:hover {
  background: #00a651;
  color: #ffffff;

#home:hover a {
    background: #00a651;
    color: #ffffff;
<div id="home">
    <a href="index.html">HOME</a>

Answer №3

If you are familiar with how to utilize it, I suggest making use of the jQuery library:

You can either link your jQuery download directly to your main html file or opt for a CDN.

To achieve a hover effect on your link in JavaScript, you can alter the color of the div when hovering over the link and simultaneously change the color of the link as well. Here's an example:

     $('a').css("color", "chooseacolor");

Without full clarity on your query, this response is the best guidance I can provide!

Answer №4

Utilizing :hover on DIV elements may not be the most reliable choice, considering it is not universally supported across all browsers and versions. Perhaps using some JavaScript would be a more stable solution?

Alternatively, if you require the entire area (including padding) within the DIV to be clickable, you could adjust the CSS by setting it to "display:block".

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('#home').hover(function() {
        $(this).css('background-color', '#00a651').find('a').css({
          backgroundColor: '#00a651',
          color: '#FFFFFF'});        
    }, function() {
        $(this).css('background-color', '#FFFFFF').find('a').css({
          backgroundColor: '#ffffff',
          color: '#00a651'});        
#home {
    border: 4px solid #00a651;
    font-size: 30px;
    padding: 10px 20px 10px 20px;
    margin: 20px 100px 20px 100px;
    display: inline-block;
#home a {background: #ffffff;
        color: #00a651; 
        text-align: center;
/* Utilize a script instead of :hover */
<!-- Add this to the HEAD section if it's not already there -->
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.2/jquery.min.js"></script>

<div id="home">
    <a href="index.html">HOME</a>

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