When it comes to printing, the @Media CSS rule

I have a specific structure on my HTML page:

  ....  navigation menu
         <div class="to-print">
           <h2>The designated div for print mode display<h2>
      .... More HTML elements here

When it comes to printing the page, I aim to have only the content from the DIV that has the class to-print displayed. What steps should I take to achieve this printing behavior?

Answer №1

If this is the precise layout of your HTML code, then this solution will work for you.

@media print {
  div > div:not(.to-print), 
  div + div:not(.to-print) {
      display: none;

/* To visualize the styles applied to the elements you wish to hide when not in print mode */
  div > div:not(.to-print), 
  div + div:not(.to-print) {
      color: red;
  ....  navigation menu
         <div class="to-print">
           <h2>My div to display in print mode<h2>
      .... HTML elements

Answer №2

If you want to control what appears on print and what appears on the screen, you can use @media print and @media screen in your CSS.

 @media print {
       .to-print {
           --Add CSS here to display content--

 @media screen {
       .to-print {
           --Add CSS here to hide content--

Alternatively, you can create a separate CSS file specifically for printing:

  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/print.css" media="print">

Answer №3

@media print {
  div > div:not(.to-print), 
  div + div:not(.to-print) {
      color: red ;

/* To demonstrate the styles on the elements you want to hide outside of print */
  div > div:not(.to-print), 
  div + div:not(.to-print) {
      color: blue;
  ....  navigation menu
         <div class="to-print">
           <h2>My div to display in print mode<h2>
      .... HTML elements

It seems like this is not functioning correctly. Please make corrections if necessary. The default color I have set to blue. Whenever I print the page, the nav bar should turn red.

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