Remove the unnecessary space at the bottom of the Mat Dialog

I'm currently utilizing Angular Material within my Angular application. One issue I am facing is the excessive whitespace at the bottom of a dialog that displays information about a post. How can I reduce or eliminate this unnecessary space?

Take a look at the following image:

HTML Code Snippet

<div id="postModal">
  <div mat-dialog-content id="postForm">
    <div class="bigImage">
      <img src={{imageLinks[0]}} class="postImage"/>


SCSS Code Snippet

    position: relative;

    height: 80%;
    width: 100%;

    text-align: center;
    display: block;

    height: 80vh;
    width: 100%;
    display: box;

    padding-right: 30px;
    padding-left: 30px;
    padding-top: 10px !important;
    padding-bottom: 0px !important;

Answer №1

Consider removing the specified height in the #postForm. Defining a height: 80vh will occupy 80% of the screen height.

If the image does not fill the space, there will be vacant areas due to the fixed height setting.

Additionally, with a height set at 80% for your postImage, there may be leftover empty space at the bottom.

Answer №2

  position: relative;  
               /* height: 80%;   this is your bug */  
  width: 100%;  
  .bigImage{     /* you don't need this level and even if use <figure></figure> not <div></div> */  
  text-align: center;  /* this creates empty space on the sides when text is too short to fill. This class does not have set width, so it should adjust to the content which is an img - a block element without any wraps */
  display: block;   
  height: 80vh;       /* this may also cause problems */  
  width: 100%;   
  display: box;      /* incorrect value */    
  /* padding-right: 30px; */    
  /* padding-left: 30px; */   
  /* padding-top: 10px !important; avoid using !important for debugging purposes */    
  /* padding-bottom: 0px !important; */  
  padding: 10px 30px 0;  /* clearer and more readable than using 4 lines */  

If you set a strict height value, don't be surprised if it remains as such. Well-prepared CSS is an investment that works properly and makes maintenance a pleasure rather than a headache.

Answer №3

  height: auto; or 100%
  width: 100%;

Alternatively, you can omit specifying the height completely.

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