maintaining the alignment of one div's right boundary with another div's right boundary

----------------------                                ----------------------------->edge X
|                    |                                |                         |
| logo               |                                |   dropdown menu         |
|____________________|                                |_________________________|
--------------------        --------------------      ----------------------- --->edge Y
|                  |        |                |       |                   |  
|                  |        |                |       |                   |
|                  |        |                |       |                   |
|    section 1     |        |    section 2   |       |    section 3      |
|                  |        |                |       |                   |
|                  |        |                |       |                   |
|__________________|        |________________|       |___________________|

|                  |
|                  |
|                  |
|      section 4    |
|                  |
|                  |

This is an example of my current webpage layout.

  1. Sections 1-4 represent different image groups. They are set to float left in order to align them in a single line when the page width allows for it. If the page size is insufficient, Section 4 will move to the next line.

  2. The dropdown menu div uses float: right to always remain at the right edge of the page.

My question is:

How can I ensure that the right edge of the dropdown menu aligns with the right edge of the last section on the first line? In other words: edge X = edge Y

Answer №2

When it comes to the alignment of images and viewport widths, the level of dynamism plays a significant role. If you are anchoring left with float: left, automatic alignment may not be achievable. You have the option to switch to float: right or ensure that both the images and container have fixed widths in order to anchor the drop-down menu to the right of the container.

Alternatively, if you prefer a fully dynamic and variable layout, adjustments will need to be made with JavaScript post image loading, with ongoing recalculations following changes in viewport size.

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