How to position footer at the bottom of Material UI cards - see example below

After getting inspiration from the material-ui example of cards, I wanted to create a grid layout with multiple cards. My goal was to make all the cards have equal height (which I achieved using height:100%) and position the footer at the bottom of each card. However, my attempt to use a flex column layout did not produce the desired result. The length of the text in the card is affecting the placement of the footer.

If you would like to take a look, I have created a code example showcasing the issue:

I would appreciate any tips or hints on how to successfully display the footer at the bottom of each card.

Answer №1

To ensure all content inside your card element is displayed in a single column, include display:flex and flexDirection: column in the styling.

<Card className={classes.root} style={{ display: "flex", flexDirection: "column" }}>

Add marginTop: auto to CardContent to apply automatic margin at the top.

<CardContent style={{ marginTop: "auto" }}>

You can view a working example here:

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