The text alignment in Internet Explorer is off

After testing this website on both Firefox and Chrome, the alignment in the "Releases" section appears to be correct:

However, when viewed in Internet Explorer, some of the text seems to be aligned in the center for unknown reasons. I have been struggling with this issue and haven't been able to find a solution.

I began to suspect that the pseudo elements used in the table formatting may be causing the problem:

table td:nth-child(even) {text-align:center; }

Upon further investigation, I don't believe this is the root of the issue. Any suggestions or ideas on how to resolve this?

Answer №1

Initially, it seems that the navigation anchors in your code are floated without proper clearing to maintain a block-like structure, resulting in broken navigation in IE 7.

According to my understanding, IE 7 may not support the use of nth-child in CSS. You might need to consider alternative solutions like using jQuery or adding a specific class to the table cell for centering content.

I hope this information proves helpful.



I recommend familiarizing yourself with the concept of "Clearing" floated elements, which you can learn more about here.

Due to the challenges posed by browsers like IE 6 and 7, sometimes you have to find workarounds to achieve your desired layout. I have provided a Jsfiddle demonstrating how your "nav" CSS and HTML should align with current standards.

Furthermore, it would be beneficial for you to understand when to utilize an "id" versus a "class". Since there should only be one "nav" element in your HTML document, assigning it an ID would be appropriate.

If you intend to create an inline navigation, consider floating the "li" elements and applying the "clearfix" class to the "ul" for proper styling and positioning.

To illustrate the importance of "clearing", I included a div after the nav with a paragraph. Removing the "clearfix" class from the "nav" will cause the paragraph to align inline with the navigation, underscoring the necessity of clearing floated elements.

In addressing the issue of centering content within a table, I suggest following the approach outlined in the provided Jsfiddle link, as it offers compatibility across various browsers and devices.

Answer №2

Your webpage contains some improperly formatted HTML with the code

<center>cover: Poor Designers</></div>
. It appears that it should be corrected to
<center>cover: Poor Designers</center></div>
. Depending on the browser being used, malformed markup can be rendered differently - for example, Chrome may remove the <center> tag while IE might wrap it around a div instead.

Answer №3

It appears that the table in question is automatically aligning to the center, causing the td elements to inherit this alignment.

.text table{

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