Creating a specific order for Arabic strings in HTML is simple and can be done by utilizing

I need to adjust the ordering of a datetime written in Arabic numbers. I must use an Arabic string and currently have the following C# code written in Arabic:

std.InnerText = "17-02-2016";

The current output is in Arabic numerals, displayed as ٢٠١٦-٠٢-١٧ (17-02-2016). However, I want the result to display in the same order as 2016-02-17 in Arabic, not English.

Answer №1

Is it possible to retrieve the specific date format directly from DateTime without any complications?


The answer to this question really depends on the context in which you are working. If your goal is to convert Arabic text to a DateTime object, you may find helpful information here:

Stack Overflow: Convert arabic date string to datetime object

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