What is the process for obtaining WOFF files from Google Fonts?

It appears that Google Fonts primarily provides fonts in WOFF2 format.

Although this may be compatible with Chrome, WOFF2 is not widely supported by other browsers

Is there a method to link directly to Google fonts stored on their CDN using a different format than WOFF2?

Answer №1

Regrettably, Google does not provide a simple way to directly download fonts. If you're looking for a specific font file, you can search through the git repository, but keep in mind that only TTF files are available on GitHub.

It's important to note that you should avoid linking directly to GitHub hosted fonts in your CSS. This is because GitHub serves the files with an incorrect mime type, causing potential issues in certain browsers.

Although there isn't a widely-used CDN that supports all formats, you can utilize to download the font files and host them on your own servers.

Answer №2

When loading the given link in Chrome, I receive a link to the font in woff2 format. However, when I try to access it using Firefox, the font is provided in woff format. On an Android device with a version older than 4.4, the font is delivered in ttf format.

This suggests that Google tailors the font format based on the user-agent of the requesting device.

Answer №3

One solution is to utilize the node tool alongside gulp by integrating the package called gulp-google-webfonts.

After installation, it only takes a few moments to add fonts and generate the necessary css.

Keep in mind that if you are installing a Google Font with spaces in its name, make sure to reference it using a plus sign like so:



Answer №4

If you need to switch a font file format from ttf to woff, check out everythingfonts.com.

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