Is it possible to scale images dynamically using CSS without losing their proper proportions?

Is there a way to resize images using CSS in the above jsfiddle? The keyboard images are currently too big compared to the text, and I usually solve this issue by using Photoshop. It would be more convenient if we could resize the images using CSS.

If we could resize the images in CSS, it would save us time from having to manually adjust values in jsFiddler, take screenshots, and crop the result for the correct image size. This would be a valuable time-saving feature!

Answer №1

To maintain the aspect ratio and ensure the image stays within the element, you can utilize background-size: contain;:

.dbutton, .ctrlbutton {
    vertical-align: middle;

    -webkit-background-size: contain;
    -moz-background-size: contain;
    -o-background-size: contain;
    background-size: contain;

See it in action:

With this approach, adjusting the width and height independently will always result in a visually pleasing image.

Answer №2

Include an image within every hyperlink to display the picture and adjust the dimensions according to your preference in the stylesheet. No need for CSS3 with this method.

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