JavaScript utilizing an API to retrieve specific data values

Below is some API Data that I have:

        "symbol": "AAPL",
        "name": "Apple Inc.",
        "price": 144.98,
        "changesPercentage": -1.22,
        "change": -1.79,
        "dayLow": 142.54,
        "dayHigh": 146.96,
        "yearHigh": 150,
        "yearLow": 93.7125,
        "marketCap": 2419368132608,
        "priceAvg50": 138.45343,
        "priceAvg200": 131.05212,
        "volume": 113982837,
        "avgVolume": 85057328,
        "exchange": "NASDAQ",
        "open": 144.81,
        "previousClose": 146.77,
        "eps": 4.449,
        "pe": 32.587097,
        "earningsAnnouncement": "2021-07-27T16:30:00.000+0000",
        "sharesOutstanding": 16687599204,
        "timestamp": 1627504655

Now, here is a piece of code using a mock API key to retrieve data:

var $stocks = $('#stocks');
        type: 'GET',
        url: '',
        success: function (percent) {
            $.each(percent, function (i, item) {

I am looking for a way to extract the changesPercentage value and display it on my webpage using HTML and CSS. Since I will be dealing with data from different companies, a flexible solution would be ideal.

Answer №1

Attempting to retrieve changesPercentage from the percent array results in an undefined property.

To obtain this value from each element in the array, utilize the item parameter within the callback function of $.each:


Alternatively, you can also make use of the i parameter as an indexer for the original array:


It seems like the confusion stems from inadequate variable naming conventions. Using percent for an array of objects is misleading. A more suitable name such as results, or any other noun that describes the API output in plural form, would be more appropriate.

The significance of names in code cannot be overstated. They provide crucial information about the purpose and usage of a particular entity.

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