Hello there! I'm currently working on implementing a button that will alter the CSS grid layout

I need help designing a button that can alter the layout of my CSS grid. The grid information is contained within a class called 'container'.

My goal is to change the grid layout by simply clicking a button, using either HTML and CSS or JavaScript.

Is there a way similar to how hover effects work, where I can have an 'onclick' event that changes the CSS upon click?

Answer №1

If you're looking to change the style only temporarily during a click, you can achieve it using CSS like this:

     /*Code Here*/

However, if you want the style to persist after the click event, JavaScript would be more suitable. For example:


<button onclick="myFunction()">Click Me</button>


function myFunction(){
    document.getElementById('myElement').style.gridTemplateColumns = "auto auto auto"

Here's a Functional Example

function changeGrid(){
  document.getElementById("grid").style.gridTemplateColumns = "auto auto auto"
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: auto auto;
<button onclick="changeGrid()">Change Grid</button>;

<div id="grid">

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