Ways to Create a Webpage with a Single Color Palette

Struggling to update the background color on my webpage and hitting a wall.

Even with content, the black background only extends as far as the content does. I've experimented with extending the content, using the body selector, and universal selector...without any success.

Is there a height: 100% property that can maintain the color across all screens?

Answer №1

Implement this on the entire HTML page instead.

    background-color: blue;

Answer №2

The content of your body is exceeding the boundaries of the container with the background color. This is causing the background color to end while the content continues beyond it. To resolve this issue, make sure that the content remains within the limits of the container.

Answer №3

Are you in search of unfamiliar units like vw, vh, vmax, vmin?

Implement these units on your body element:

  padding: 0;
  height: 100vh; /*use this to occupy the entire screen*/
  background: blue; /*choose a color for the background here*/

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