Creating a responsive HTML table in R can be achieved by using the 'DT

Below is the structured dataframe I am working with in R:


seq      count  percentage   Marking     count     Percentage     batch_no   count    Percentage
FRD      1      12.50%       S1          2         25.00%         6          1        12.50%
FHL      1      12.50%       S2          1         12.50%         7          2        25.00%
ABC      2      25.00%       S3          1         12.50%         8          2        25.00%
DEF      1      12.50%       Hold        2         25.00%         9          1        12.50%
XYZ      1      12.50%       NA          1         12.50%         NA         1        12.50%
ZZZ      1      12.50%       (Blank)     1         12.50%         (Blank)    1        12.50%
FRD      1      12.50%         -         -           -             -         -           -
NA       1      12.50%         -         -           -             -         -           -
(Blank)  0      0.00%          -         -           -             -         -           -
Total    8      112.50%        -         8         100.00%         -         8         100.00%

The number of columns in the dataframe is fixed, but the number of rows can vary depending on certain conditions. The table might have anywhere from 4 to 15 rows.

I want to customize the table by setting the header color to light green with bold font, and the last row should be yellow with bold font. Additionally, I want to highlight rows where the Percentage of 'Hold' in 'Marking' and the Percentage of '8' in 'batch_no' are greater than 25%, by marking them as dark red with bold white font.

If possible, I would like to add the suffix '(In Progress)' for 'S3' and '9', respectively, where the font size of '(In Progress)' will be two sizes smaller than the variable name.

The '(In Progress)' text should appear in yellow font with bold styling.

Here is the code snippet I am using:


add_font <- function(x) {
  x <- gsub('\\(', '\\(<font size="-1">', x)
  x <- gsub('\\)', '</font>\\)', x)
  return(prettyNum(x, big.mark = ','))

    Html_Table<-Dataframe %>% 
      mutate(`Marking` = add_font(`Marking`),
             `batch_no` = add_font(`batch_no`)) %>% 
      tableHTML(rownames = FALSE, 
                escape = FALSE,
                widths = rep(100, 12),
                caption = "Dataframe: Test",
                theme='scientific') %>% 
      add_css_caption(css = list(c("font-weight", "border","font-size"),
                                 c("bold", "1px solid black","16px"))) %>
      add_css_row(css = list(c("background-color"), c("lightblue")), rows = 0:1)%>
      add_css_caption(css = list(c("background-color"), c("lightblue"))) %>
      add_css_row(css = list('background-color', '#f2f2f2'),
                  rows = odd(1:10)) %>
      add_css_row(css = list('background-color', '#e6f0ff'),
                  rows = even(1:10)) %>
      add_css_row(css = list(c("background-color","font-weight"), c("yellow", "bold")), 
                   rows = even(2:3)) %>
      add_css_row(css = list(c("font-style","font-size"), c("italic","12px")), 
                   rows = 4:8)

Answer №1

You can leverage the same technique used with add_font to achieve your desired outcome with tableHTML.

Data <- read.table(text='seq      count  percentage   Marking     count     percentage     batch_no   count    percentage
FRD      1      12.50%       S1          2         25.00%         6          1        12.50%
FHL      1      12.50%       S2          1         12.50%         7          2        25.00%
ABC      2      25.00%       S3          1         12.50%         8          2        25.00%
DEF      1      12.50%       Hold        2         25.00%         9          1        12.50%
XYZ      1      12.50%       NA          1         12.50%         NA         1        12.50%
ZZZ      1      12.50%       (Blank)     1         12.50%         (Blank)    1        12.50%
FRD      1      12.50%         -         -           -             -         -           -
NA       1      12.50%         -         -           -             -         -           -
(Blank)  0      0.00%          -         -           -             -         -           -
Total    8      112.50%        -         8         100.00%         -         8         100.00%',
                        header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>% as_tibble()
names_orig <- Data %>% names()

# define font enhancement function
add_font <- function(x) {
  x <- gsub('\\(', '\\(<font size="-1">', x)
  x <- gsub('\\)', '</font>\\)', x)

# define style addition function
add_style <- function(x, style){
  x <- paste0('<div ', style, '>', x, '</div>')

# define in progress function
add_in_progress <- function(x){
  x <- paste0(x, '<font size="1" color="red">', '(In Progress)', '</font>')

# specify condition for styling
style <- 'style="background-color:darkred;font-weight:bold;color:white;"'
condition_1 <- Data$Marking=='Hold' & Data$percentage_num > 10
condition_2 <- Data$batch_no==8 & Data$percentage.2_num > 10

Html_Table <-
  Data %>%
  mutate(`Marking` = add_font(`Marking`),
         `batch_no` = add_font(`batch_no`)) %>%
  # apply specified style based on conditions
  mutate(percentage = ifelse(condition_1,
                             add_style(percentage, style),
         percentage.1 = ifelse(condition_2,
                               add_style(percentage.1, style),
                               percentage.1)) %>%
  # add in progress indicator
  mutate(Marking = ifelse(Marking=='S3', 
                          Marking))  %>%
  mutate(batch_no = ifelse(batch_no=='9', 
                           batch_no)) %> 
  # select columns to display
  select(names_orig) %>  
  # convert to table using tableHTML
  tableHTML(rownames = FALSE, 
            escape = FALSE,
            widths = rep(100, 9),
            replace_NA = '',
            headers = names_orig %>% gsub('.[1-9]', '', .),
            caption = "Dataframe: Test", 
            border = 0) %>%
  # style header
  add_css_header(css = list(c('background-color', 'border-top', 'border-bottom'), 
                            c('lightgreen', '3px solid black', '3px solid black')), 
                 headers = 1:ncol(Data)) %> 
  # style last row
  add_css_row(css = list(c('background-color', 'font-weight'), 
                         c('yellow', 'bold')), 
              rows = nrow(Data)+1)


Answer №2

While I may not have completely grasped all of your requirements, I have crafted a solution using the flextable package.

dat <- tibble::tribble(
    ~seq, ~count1, ~percentage1,  ~Marking, ~count2, ~percentage2, ~batch_no, ~count3, ~percentage3,
    "FRD", 1, "12.50%", "S1", "2", "25.00%", "6", "1", "12.50%",
    "FHL", 1, "12.50%", "S2", "1", "12.50%", "7", "2", "25.00%",
    "ABC", 2, "25.00%", "S3", "1", "12.50%", "8", "2", "45.00%",
    "DEF", 1, "12.50%", "Hold", "2", "45.00%", "9", "1", "12.50%",
    "XYZ", 1, "12.50%", "NA", "1", "12.50%", "NA", "1", "12.50%",
    "ZZZ", 1, "12.50%", "(Blank)", "1", "12.50%", "(Blank)", "1", "12.50%",
    "FRD", 1, "12.50%", NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_,
    "NA",  1, "12.50%", NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_,
    "(Blank)", 0, "0.00%", NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character.,
    "Total", 8, "112.50%", NA_character_, "8", "100.00%", NA_character_, "8", "100.00%"
dat$percentage1 <- gsub("%", "", dat$percentage1) %>% as.double()
dat$percentage2 <- gsub("%", "", dat$percentage2) %>% as.double()
dat$percentage3 <- gsub("%", "", dat$percentage3) %>% as.double()

# Setting table header color to light green with bold font 
# and last row of the table to orange with bold font.
flextable(dat) %>% 
  fontsize(size = 11, part = "all") %>% 
  bold(part = "header") %>% 
  color(color = "#90EE90", part = "header") %>% 
  color(color = "orange", i = ~ seq %in% "Total") %>% 
  bold(i = ~ seq %in% "Total") %>% 
#' Additionally, if Percentage of Hold in marking and Percentage of 8 in batch_no is greater than 25%, highlight it with dark red and white bold font.
  color(i = ~ percentage1 > 10 & Marking %in% "Hold", 
        j = c("count1", "percentage1", "Marking"),
        color = "red", part = "body") %>% 
  color(i = ~ percentage2 > 10 & batch_no %in% "8", 
        j = c("count2", "percentage2", "batch_no"),
        color = "red", part = "body") %>% 
  bold(i = ~ percentage1 > 10 & Marking %in% "Hold", 
       j = c("count1", "percentage1", "Marking"),) %>% 
  bold(i = ~ percentage2 > 10 & batch_no %in% "8",
       j = c("count2", "percentage2", "batch_no")) %>% 

#' If possible, the suffix in S3 should be displayed as S3 (In Progress) and 9 as `9 (In Progress), where the font size of (In Progress) will be 2 points less than the variable name.
#' The added text (In Progress) should appear in orange font with bold styling.
  compose(i = ~ Marking %in% "S3", j = "Marking", 
          value = as_paragraph(
            "S3 ", 
            as_chunk("(In Progress)", 
                     props = fp_text(color = "orange", bold = TRUE, font.size = 5.5))
  ) %>% 

Answer №3

A different approach is presented here using the kableExtra package instead of htmlTable...


       ~seq, ~count1, ~percentage1,  ~Marking, ~count2, ~Percentage2, ~batch_no, ~count3, ~Percentage3,
      "FRD",       1,     "12.50%",      "S1",     "2",     "25.00%",       "6",     "1",     "12.50%",
      "FHL",       1,     "12.50%",      "S2",     "1",     "12.50%",       "7",     "2",     "25.00%",
      "ABC",       2,     "25.00%",      "S3",     "1",     "12.50%",       "8",     "2",     "45.00%",
      "DEF",       1,     "12.50%",    "Hold",     "2",     "45.00%",       "9",     "1",     "12.50%",
      "XYZ",       1,     "12.50%",      "NA",     "1",     "12.50%",      "NA",     "1",     "12.50%",
      "ZZZ",       1,     "12.50%", "(Blank)",     "1",     "12.50%", "(Blank)",     "1",     "12.50%",
      "FRD",       1,     "12.50%",       "-",     "-",          "-",       "-",     "-",          "-",
       "NA",       1,     "12.50%",       "-",     "-",          "-",       "-",     "-",          "-",
  "(Blank)",       0,      "0.00%",       "-",     "-",          "-",       "-",     "-",          "-",
    "Total",       8,    "112.50%",       "-",     "8",    "100.00%",       "-",     "8",    "100.00%"

test1 <- expression(Marking == "Hold" & as.numeric(str_remove(Percentage2, "%")) > 25.00)
test2 <- expression(batch_no == "8" & as.numeric(str_remove(Percentage3, "%")) > 25.00)

MyDataFrame  %>%
  mutate(Percentage2 = cell_spec(Percentage2,
                                 background = ifelse(eval(test1), "red", ""),
                                 color = ifelse(eval(test1), "white", "black")),
         Percentage3 = cell_spec(Percentage3,
                                 background = ifelse(eval(test2), "red", ""),
                                 color = ifelse(eval(test2), "white", "black")))  %>%
         kable(format = "html", escape = FALSE)  %>%
         kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = FALSE)  %>%
         row_spec(0, bold = TRUE, background = "lightgreen") %>%
         row_spec(10, bold = TRUE, background = "yellow")  %>%
         save_kable(file = "temptable.html")


Answer №4

Struggling to apply conditional cell styling based on another column in tableHtml? Here's a workaround using the gt package.

Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • gt doesn't come with JavaScript Bootstrap code like kableExtra, but the CSS is still included in the HTML file.
  • If I missed your request regarding the prefix, please let me know.
  • I approached the conditions individually instead of combining them.
  • Aggregating missing values as NA can simplify handling percent signs and other complexities while testing the conditions in gt rather than treating them as text.

This code is fairly flexible and can be easily customized to better fit your specific requirements:


# Data with requested scenarios:
Dataframe <-
    ~seq,      ~count1, ~percentage1, ~Marking,  ~count2, ~Percentage2, ~batch_no, ~count3, ~Percentage3,
    "FRD",     1,       "12.50%",     "S1",      "2",     "25.00%",     "6",       "1",     "12.50%",
    "FHL",     1,       "12.50%",     "S2",      "1",     "12.50%",     "7",       "2",     "25.00%",
    "ABC",     2,       "25.00%",     "S3",      "1",     "12.50%",     "8",       "2",     "45.00%",
    "ABC",     2,       "25.00%",     "S3",      "1",     "12.50%",     "9",       "2",     "17.00%",
    "DEF",     1,       "12.50%",     "Hold",    "2",     "45.00%",     "9",       "1",     "12.50%",
    "XYZ",     1,       "12.50%",     "NA",      "1",     "12.50%",     "NA",      "1",     "12.50%",
    "ZZZ",     1,       "12.50%",     "(Blank)", "1",     "12.50%",     "(Blank)", "1",     "12.50%",
    "FRD",     1,       "12.50%",     "-",       "-",     "-",          "-",       "-",     "-",
    "NA",      1,       "12.50%",     "-",       "-",     "-",          "-",       "-",     "-",
    "(Blank)", 0,       "0.00%",      "-",       "-",     "-",          "-",       "-",     "-",
    "Total",   8,       "112.50%",    "-",       "8",     "100.00%",    "-",       "8",     "100.00%"

test1 <- expression(Marking == "Hold" & as.numeric(str_remove(Percentage2, "%")) > 25.00)
test2 <- expression(batch_no == "8" & as.numeric(str_remove(Percentage3, "%")) > 25.00)
test3 <- expression(Marking == "S3" & batch_no == "9")

newtab <-
  Dataframe  %>%
  mutate(Marking = ifelse(eval(test3), paste0(Marking, " (In progress)"), Marking))  %>
  gt() %>
  tab_style(style = list(cell_fill(color = "lightgreen"),
                        cell_text(weight = "bold")),
            locations = cells_column_labels(columns = 1:9)) %>
  tab_style(style = list(cell_fill(color = "yellow"),
                        cell_text(weight = "bold")),
            locations = cells_body(columns = 1:9, rows = nrow(Dataframe)) %>
  tab_style(style = list(cell_fill(color = "red"),
                        cell_text(color = "white", weight = "bold")),
            locations = cells_body(columns = c("Marking", "Percentage2"),
                                  rows = eval(test1))) %>
  tab_style(style = list(cell_fill(color = "red"),
                        cell_text(color = "white", weight = "bold")),
            locations = cells_body(columns = c("batch_no", "Percentage3"),
                                  rows = eval(test2))) %>
  tab_style(style = list(cell_text(size = px(2))),
            locations = cells_body(columns = c("Marking"),
                                   rows = str_detect(string = Marking, pattern = "progress")))

gtsave(newtab, file = "gttable.html")

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