Potential Bug Detected in Internet Explorer on Mouseenter Event

I'm facing a challenge with my HTML/CSS code. I have a carousel that includes two li elements positioned absolutely on each side for navigation but they are not displaying correctly in IE versions 7-9 - they appear behind the main element regardless of setting the z-index.

Despite my efforts, I couldn't find a solution as I was tired at the end of the day and may have overlooked something.

Oddly enough, adding a background-color to the li elements makes them show up in front of the main element!

This issue could be due to a bug in IE since I rarely encounter problems debugging CSS files, but again, my fatigue may be affecting my troubleshooting abilities.

Rest assured, the opacity values and display values are modified by jQuery and do not impact this problem.


<header id="carousel">
    <div id="carousel-holder">
        <div id="carousel-canvas" style="width: 2364px; ">
            <figure id="more-business" class="">
            <figure id="more-money" class="active">
        <ul id="arrow-nav">
            <li id="carousel-arrow-previous"><a href="#previous" title="Previous" class="sprite">Previous</a></li>
            <li id="carousel-arrow-next"><a href="#next" title="Next" class="sprite">Next</a></li>


header#carousel {position:relative;width:790px;height:275px;margin:10px auto 0;padding:0;overflow:hidden;}
header#carousel div#carousel-holder {width:788px;... properties continue 


Mistakenly referred to 'div' instead of 'li'


The root of the issue seems to lie beyond HTML/CSS since upon closer inspection it has been determined that the element is actually displayed at the forefront of the page. The problem seems tied to jQuery as the 'mouseenter' event doesn't trigger when hovering over the element. Could this be a known jQuery bug?


After thorough investigation, it appears the problem stems from the 'hasLayout' attribute of the mentioned elements. Their transparent backgrounds prevent the detection of jQuery events when the mouse is placed over them. The fix is to set a transparent background with an image incorporated into it.

Please refer to: Mouseenter only fired on border of transparent div in IE9

Appreciate all your insights and apologies for any time wasted.

Answer №1

It seems like the issue is related to the negative "text-indent" value being applied to the anchors on your page. This may have to do with how Internet Explorer handles the layout of anchor elements, potentially not properly wrapping text within the edges. You can learn more about the "hasLayout" property and the problems it can lead to in IE. By removing the "text-indent", I was able to ensure that the Previous / Next links displayed correctly over any images placed in the carousel.

Answer №2

After tweaking the CSS, I have created:

#carousel {
    position: relative;
    margin:10px auto 0;


#carousel-holder {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    border:1px solid #999;


#carousel nav {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
#arrow-nav {
    position: absolute;
    top: 1px;
    left: 1px;
#arrow-nav li {
    width: 200px;
    height: 100%;
    background: #dff;
#carousel-arrow-previous {
    float: left;
#carousel-arrow-next {
    float: right;


#arrow-nav li a {
    background: #fdf;
    /*z-index: 1000;*/
#carousel-arrow-previous a {
    left: 20px;
    background-position:-95px -156px;
#carousel-arrow-next a {
    right: 20px;
    background-position:-153px -156px;


This setup works smoothly in IE9 and IE7/8 compatibility view. The key change made was setting the #carousel element to position: relative, allowing for proper positioning of #carousel-holder and #carousel nav by using position: absolute and adhering to the natural z-index stacking order.

To enhance visibility during adjustments, certain styles were modified (e.g., opacity: 1 and different background colors). While uncertain if this addresses a specific IE rendering issue, refining the code structure seems to resolve any underlying concerns.


In versions of IE less than 9, an alternate opacity syntax is needed:

#arrow-nav li a {
    filter: alpha(opacity=0); /* For IE6/7 */
    -ms-filter:"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=0)"; /* IE 8 */
    background: #fdf;
    /*z-index: 1000;*/


#arrow-nav li a.show-opacity {
    opacity: 1;
    filter: alpha(opacity=100); /* For IE6/7 */
    -ms-filter:"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=100)"; /* IE 8 */

$('#arrow-nav li')


Answer №3

Utilizing HTML 5 tags on your webpage? Have you implemented a polyfill for IE, specifically versions 7-9? This could be a potential factor causing the issue.

Keep in mind that IE has a different z-index stacking order compared to other browsers. In IE, the z-index order is dependent on the parent element.

Answer №4

The CSS property display: none is currently applied to the element

header#carousel nav ul#arrow-nav li a

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