Tips for overlaying a webpage with several Angular components using an element for disabling user interactions

I currently have an core Angular SPA that is structured with a header menu and footer components always visible while the middle section serves as the main "page" - comprised of another angular component.

What I am looking to achieve is the ability to "disable" the entire page in case a specific error code is received within the typescript of the central component.

This disabling functionality does not need to be entirely foolproof, but rather sufficient enough to prevent user interaction with the entire webpage or browser tab.

If this situation were confined to one component, adding a div with ngIf and activating it would suffice.

However, the challenge lies in figuring out how to cover the entire HTML document from inside one of the Angular components.

EDIT: Once the page is "disabled," there will no longer be a need for its content. Therefore, if possible, replacing the entire HTML body content with a div featuring the error message would be even more streamlined.

Illustration - depicted final layout of the HTML (highlighting the head menu and middle component using red lines):

Answer №1

Replacing the entire content of a document is surprisingly straightforward:

import { DOCUMENT } from '@angular/common';

constructor(@Inject(DOCUMENT) private doc: Document)

. . .

    http.get ...,
      error => {
        console.log("Failed to retrieve user data", error);
        if (error.status == 401) {
          this.doc.body.innerHTML = 
            "<div>Your session has expired.</div>";

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