Is it possible to resize background images on Safari?

Encountering an issue with Safari where the background isn't scaling properly. It functions perfectly in Firefox, Chrome, and other browsers, but Safari is presenting a problem. Here's a link to the site:

This issue occurs when the resolution is below 1280px. Any insights on what might be causing this?

The background is currently set up as follows:

body#front-themepage {  background: transparent url(assets/css/img/themes/bg-front.jpg) top center no-repeat; width:100%;  }

I've attempted using background-size:cover and background-size: 100%, 100%, but unfortunately it hasn't resolved the problem :(

Answer №1

When working with Safari and Chrome, it's important to remember to include -webkit- in your CSS selectors. This requirement is due to Apple's design choices and may not necessarily be your fault if you encounter issues. While this is likely the root cause of the problem, there could also be hidden factors at play that you haven't uncovered yet.

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