How to use CSS to add a pseudo element to a table and position it outside of the parent's boundaries on the left

I am currently utilizing the "ag-grid" data-table library (along with Angular 2, although the framework is not crucial) which highlights a selected row (using the default class .ag-row) by adding the class .ag-row-selected to it. Each row contains numerous cells with the .ag-cell class.

My goal is to achieve row selection not by changing the background color, but by indicating the selected row on the left and right sides with a "stripe". One way to achieve this is by adding an empty column at the beginning and end of the table and then implementing the following:

$selection-padding-width: 6px;
ag-grid-angular {
  height: 100%;
  // creating space for selection-padding-stripe:
  width: calc(100% - 2 * #{$selection-padding-width});
/deep/ .ag-row-selected:before {
  height: 25px;
  width: $selection-padding-width;
  content: ' ';
  display: inline-block;
  background-color: $cyan;
  transform: translateX(-1px);

You can view the outcome here:

However, when I attempt to shift the blue stripe from the leftmost cell's position to the empty left area, it disappears because that empty area extends beyond the container's bounds (refer to

width: calc(100% - 2 * #{$selection-padding-width});
). I am curious to know if there is a way to make the selection-padding (blue stripe) visible above the container, for instance, by appearing when transform: translateX(-6px) is applied to it.

If you wish to observe ag-grid in action, you can check out this plunkr:

Answer №1

To effectively address this issue, as recommended by ovokuro's comment, the optimal approach is to utilize a border. It is advisable to apply this border to the row instead of the cell. This ensures that when you move the cell, the border remains fixed on the left or right of the entire row, rather than moving along with the cell. Ultimately, the solution can be implemented as follows:

/deep/ .ag-header-row {
  background-color: $table-header-color;
  border-left: $selection-padding-width solid $table-header-color;
  border-right: $selection-padding-width solid $table-header-color;

/deep/ .ag-row-even:not(.ag-row-selected) {
  border-left: $selection-padding-width solid $even-row-color;
  border-right: $selection-padding-width solid $even-row-color;

/deep/ .ag-row-odd:not(.ag-row-selected) {
  border-left: $selection-padding-width solid $odd-row-color;
  border-right: $selection-padding-width solid $odd-row-color;

/deep/ .ag-row-selected {
  border-left: $selection-padding-width solid $cyan;
  border-right: $selection-padding-width solid $cyan;

/deep/ .ag-row-even, {
  background-color: $even-row-color!important;

/deep/ .ag-row-odd, {
  background-color: $odd-row-color!important;

/deep/ .ag-header-container {
  left: 0!important;

/deep/ .ag-body-viewport {
  overflow-x: hidden!important;

The final sections at the end are crucial to prevent overflowing of the header and body. This occurs because ag-grid automatically adds spacing when a column is moved to the rightmost position, and there is a border attribute on the rows. The !important declaration is necessary due to the addition of certain classes by ag-grid programmatically, which also define the same attributes.

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