What methods can be used to choose specific rows while styling columns with CSS?

As an exercise in CSS styling, I have successfully transformed an unordered list into columns. But now, I am curious if it is possible to target and style the "rows" within these columns.

This is the CSS code currently in use:

    margin:15px 0 30px;
    border-top:solid 1px #d2d3d4;
    border-left:solid 1px #d2d3d4
 ul.popular li{
    padding:10px 15px;
    border-bottom:solid 1px #d2d3d4;
    border-right:solid 1px #d2d3d4;
 ul.popular li a{

Associated HTML markup:

<ul class="popular">
    <li>Australia to Fiji</li>
    <li>Australia to Papua New Guinea</li>
    <li>Australia to Solomon Islands</li>
    <li>Australia to Tonga</li>
    <li>Australia to Vanuatu</li>
    <li>New Zealand to Fiji</li>
    <li>New Zealand to Papua New Guinea</li>
    <li>New Zealand to Solomon Islands</li>
    <li>New Zealand to Tonga</li>
    <li>New Zealand to Vanuatu</li>
    <li>United States of America to Fiji</li>
    <li>United States of America to Samoa</li>
    <li>United States of America to Tonga</li>

Link to Fiddle demonstration:


My query lies in figuring out how to apply different background colors to every second "row." Essentially, trying to target every second item within each column.

I've experimented with nth-child(2n), variables, odd/even selectors, among others, but haven't achieved the desired outcome yet.

Answer №1

UPDATE: The question has been revised, now focusing on the selection of "rows", and includes a functional demo.

However, upon reviewing the provided sample:


It is not clear where the rows are located, and the "US to Fiji" entry is divided between two columns, making it challenging to apply distinct colors to each part.

Moreover, the layout may vary significantly based on window width, font size, etc.

It appears that utilizing a table structure might better meet your requirements.

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