Navigate the div with arrow keys

Looking for an answer similar to this SO post on moving a div with arrow keys, could a simple and clear 'no' be sufficient:

Is it possible to turn an overflowing div into a "default scroll target" that responds to arrow-up/down/page-down/space key presses in the same way as an overflowing document (i.e. scrolling down the content)? The page itself has no scrollbar (like in the example below). Specifically, is there a way to achieve this without manually tracking key events (neither directly nor hidden by a JavaScript library)?

  <div id="contentcontainer" style="height:200px;width:200px;overflow:scroll">
   <div id="innercontent" style="height:2000px;">foo</div>

Edit: It seems the above code works only after clicking inside the div. Essentially, I am looking for a solution that does not require that step...

Answer №1

To ensure that an HTML element can be focused, it must be accessible via the Tab key. This means that you can use the .focus() method on a link or input element. Additionally, all body elements are inherently focusable.

If you want your div to be reachable using the Tab key, you can achieve this by setting the tabindex property on it. If you prefer that users cannot tab into the div, you have the option of setting the tabindex to -1. Doing so will prevent users from tabbing to the element, while still preparing it for potential tabbing and focus.

For more information, visit:

Answer №2

Most browsers come equipped with this feature by default,

If you want to enable scrolling down your div using arrow keys, you need to ensure there is a focused element within it.

Check out

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