Tips on updating the color of the drawer component's background in Material-UI using React

I have been attempting to change the background color of a drawer component in React, but I have only been successful in changing the background behind the drawer or the field with the items. Here is the code I am using:

const useStyles = makeStyles({
    MuiDrawer: {
      backgroundColor: "#5d001e",
    list: {
      width: 250,
    linkText: {
      textDecoration: `none`,
      textTransform: `uppercase`,
      color: `black`,

return (
          onClick={toggleDrawer("right", true)}>
          <Menu />
        <Drawer anchor="right" open={state.right} onOpen={toggleDrawer("right", true)} onClose={toggleDrawer("right", false)} className={classes.MuiDrawer}>

Any suggestions on how to target the entire white area? I even attempted using a CSS class to force it but that didn't work...

Answer №1

Focus on the Drawer paper

const customStyles = makeStyles({
  MuiDrawer: {
    backgroundColor: "#940045"

  classes={{paper: customStyles.MuiDrawer}}

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