Tips for choosing nested elements with basic CSS selectors like nth-of-type or nth-child for Selenium

Is there a way to select the paragraph tag for B (or C) by utilizing nth-child or nth-of-type in Selenium WebDriver?

        <p class="myClass">A</p>
        <p class="myClass">B</p>
        <p class="myClass">C</p>

Context: I am exploring automation testing with Selenium WebDriver, and faced issues with selecting elements using standard CSS selectors like nth(i).

While I can successfully select the first element, I encounter difficulties with selecting the nth element. This could be due to nesting.
These attempts have failed:
.myClass:nth-of-type(2) (locator not found, per Selenium IDE)
.myClass:nth-child(2) (locator not found, per Selenium IDE)

Answer №1

For those using Selenium WebDriver, the following code snippet can be helpful:

String cssSelector = ".myClass";
List<WebElement> elementList = driver.findElements(By.cssSelector(cssSelector));
WebElement targetElement = elementList.get(index);

While not perfect, this solution gets the job done.

Answer №2

Could the css selector function for selecting based on content work for you?


Response: No, as :contains() is a JQuery pseudo-function.

If you are using C#, you can import SizSelCsZzz for JQuery functionality. Then you would be able to do:

driver.FindElements(new ByJQuery.ByJQuerySelector("p.myClass:contains('B')", true));

In addition, when it comes to nth-child, this is also a JQuery pseudo-function. In similar fashion:

using SizSelCsZzz;

namespace YourNamespaceHere
   public class YourClass
      By selectB = new ByJQuery.ByJQuerySelector("p.myClass:nth-child(2)", true);

Answer №3

To choose option B, employ the following code:

table tr:nth-child(2) td p {/*insert your custom styles here */}

Answer №4

Although I am not familiar with selenium, you can try using standard CSS selectors to target 'C' in the following way:

table tr + tr + tr > td > p {color:blue;}

Answer №5

Sibling elements are not present with the p tag as they are in separate columns. To target specific rows, consider using the nth-child pseudo-class on the tr tag. An example would be changing the background of odd rows:

table tr:nth(odd){
    background-color: #color-code;

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